March 9.
Today is “Get Over It Day.” What are some thoughtful ways you can help people out of a slump or a depression over a bad decision?
Today is “Get Over It Day.” What are some thoughtful ways you can help people out of a slump or a depression over a bad decision?
Fact of the Day: The pound key symbol on your phone (#) has
an official name; it is called the octothorpe.
Vocabulary Word of the Day: pariah (noun) – this fancy word can be used as a synonym for a person who is an outcast or who is looked down upon by average citizens. Have you ever looked away from someone on the street because they looked to be a pariah to you? Did you feel bad about looking away?
Gloomy Wednesday!
We are going to continue working on chapter 23. Today we are going to work on Lesson 3.
When finished reading, get a textbook and open your notebook and wait for the warm-up.
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