It’s March 31.
March has been “National Ideas Month.” How many new ideas did you write down in your notebook this month? Go back and check!
March has been “National Ideas Month.” How many new ideas did you write down in your notebook this month? Go back and check!
Fact of the Day: One in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth
already in place in his/her mouth. Think you were one of them?
Vocabulary Word of the Day: superlative (adjective) – use this word in front of a noun that shows the highest degree of quality. When you think of chocolates, which company makes the superlative candy? What about shoes? What about jeans? And…who in your class has superlative ideas?
Today, working as a class we will finish watching Supply & Demand & Scarcity. Then, read Ch 25 Lesson 1. After reading the blog, put away all technology. Please, get a book.
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