Thursday, March 31, 2016

It’s March 31. 
March has been “National Ideas Month.”  How many new ideas did you write down in your notebook this month?   Go back and check!

Trivial Fact of the Day:   One in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth already in place in his/her mouth. Think you were one of them?
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “Children see magic because they still look for it.”  --Christopher Moore (American author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  superlative (adjective) – use this word in front of a noun that shows the highest degree of quality.  When you think of chocolates, which company makes the superlative candy?  What about shoes?  What about jeans?  And…who in your class has superlative ideas?

Today, working as a class we will finish watching Supply & Demand & Scarcity. Then, read Ch 25 Lesson 1. After reading the blog, put away all technology. Please, get a book.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

It’s March 30. 
Today is “Pencil Day.” Are you more of a mechanical or wooden pencil user?  When did you make that important life choice?
Trivial Fact of the Day  A typical pencil can draw a line 35 miles long or write about 45,000 words.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser -- in case you thought optimism was dead.”  --Robert Brault (American writer)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  sanguine (adjective) – as a noun, this word means blood-red color, but as an adjective, it means cheerfully optimistic.  Who do you know who is an example of the adjective version of the word sanguine?

Wonderful Wednesday!!!
Today we are going to begin with vocabulary, so make sure you have your notebook. What does the phrase supply, demand, and scarcity mean? At the end of class you will be an expert.  

Sunday, March 27, 2016

It’s March 28. 
Today is “Smoke and Mirrors day”  How many magic tricks do you know how to do? How many illusions have you witnessed?
Trivial Fact of the Day:   The on-stage illusion of levitation** was first performed in Greek dramas as early as 431 B.C.  How do you suppose they pulled off the trick?
Interesting Quote of the DayThe whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”  --Sydney J. Harris (American journalist)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day levitation (noun) – this word refers to the phenomenon of a person or thing rising into the air by apparently supernatural means.  If you could levitate whenever you felt like it, what would you do?

Marvelous Monday Mustangs!!!
I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day weekend. Now you guys are rested and ready to work, right?!?
Today, we are going to be introduced to 6 new vocabulary words, review religions, and study economies. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

It’s March 24. 
Today is “National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day.”  What fruit, in your opinion, goes best with chocolate?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   Roman physicians prescribed raisins for everything, from mushroom poisoning to old age.  They used the fruit as a panacea.**
Interesting Quote of the Day:  ““If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.”  --Alfred, Lord Tennyson (British poet)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: panacea (noun) – this is a synonym for something that can serve as a remedy for all sicknesses or difficulties.  “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning” is an old-fashioned doctor’s panacea from years ago.  Is there a modern day equivalent to this old expression?

Terrific Thursday!!!
Today we are going to finish vocabulary Frayer models. The continue our review of the religions.
Have a great 3 day holiday!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It’s March 23.

Today is “National Puppy Day.”  Which puppies are the cutest?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   The heaviest dog ever weighed 319 pounds.  How big do you suppose it was as a puppy?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.” --Sadie Delaney  (African-American author and civil rights advocate)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  compelling (adjective) – use this word to modify a noun that can be described as being smart and thoughtful enough to demand others’ attention.  A funny story might be compelling.  An argument should be compelling.  What are three other things you might describe with this word?

Wonderful Wednesday!
Today, we are going to work on vocabulary. Next review ancient inventions (using the textbook). Then, review the major religions of East Asia. Don't forget the homework is due tomorrow.
Be sure to have a book and your notebook. And ready to work as soon as the bell rings.

It’s March 22.

Today is “World Day for Water” Do you ingest** enough water daily?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   Only 3% of the world’s water can be used as drinking water, because 97% of the world’s water is salt water. 
Interesting Quote of the Day:  My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.”  --Mitch Hedberg (American comedian)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day:  ingest (verb) – here’s a fancy action word that can be used when you mean to take food or drink into the body by swallowing or absorbing it.  Gest- is the Latin root meaning move or movement, and it ended up in a lot of words: ingest (to move water into the body), digest (to move it through the body), congestion (a state where movement is slowed), etc. 

Happy Tuesday! (Really y'all's Wednesday)
Today, we are going to complete our warm-up. Finish presenting our history frames. Then, read Lesson 3. Finally, ancient inventions review.  

Get a textbook. Open your notebook. Wait for the warm-up.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

It’s March 21. 

Today is “Memory Day.” I forgot why we should be celebrating that…

Trivial Fact of the Day: Phone numbers became seven digits long in 1947 because that is the maximum number most people can hold in their short term memories.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream.” --Khalil Gibran (Lebanese-American poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: reminiscence (noun) – this hard-to-spell synonym can stand for two specific nouns : 1) a story about the past that’s being told by a narrator or 2) the enjoyable recollection of past events. When your family gathers, who excels at reminiscence, and who does a terrible job re-telling family stories?

Today, we are going to test our memories and see if we remember what we are studying. We are going to start with 5 new vocabulary words. Then, we are going to finish the history frames and present. Finally, read Lesson 3.
Get a book. Open your notebook and wait for the warm-up.

Friday, March 11, 2016

It’s March 11. 
Today is “Fill Our Staplers Day.”  Could most people get by filling their staplers just once a year?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   The average human body contains enough fat to produce 7 bars of soap.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “I have always imagined that Paradise would be some kind of library.” --Jorge Luis Borges (Argentinian writer)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  paragon (noun) – use this fancy synonym when you are referring to something that is a model of excellence or perfection.  Has a teacher ever hung up one of your projects to serve as a paragon of quality work?  Has a teacher ever shown off one your projects as a non-example of quality?

Fabulous (one more day until Spring Break) Day!!!
Today, is vocabulary day and finish our history frames, and work on chapter 23 lesson 3.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

It’s March 10. 
Today is “Middle Name Pride Day.”  Have you ever been embarrassed by your middle name?  When people ask, do you share it readily?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   A full-grown bear can run as fast as a horse.  Shouldn’t they allow them to race at the Kentucky Derby then?
Interesting Quote of the Day:  The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow because it was important to them: there ought to be as many for love.”  --Margaret Atwood (Canadian writer/poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  zephyr (noun) – named for Zephyrus, Greek god of the west wind, this noun means a gentle wind.  Where are three places to be that a nice zephyr would improve the comfort level?

Rainy Thursday (2 days closer to Spring Break Day)!!!
Today we are going to continue working on Chapter 23. We are going to review the chart from Monday, continue our discussion on dynasties, and read in depth on Lesson 2. Open your notebook to the chart we did on Monday and get a textbook.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

It’s March 9. 
Today is “
Get Over It Day.” What are some thoughtful ways you can help people out of a slump or a depression over a bad decision?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   The pound key symbol on your phone (#) has an official name; it is called the octothorpe.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”  --Mahatma Gandhi (Indian activist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  pariah (noun) – this fancy word can be used as a synonym for a person who is an outcast or who is looked down upon by average citizens.  Have you ever looked away from someone on the street because they looked to be a pariah to you?  Did you feel bad about looking away?

Gloomy Wednesday!
We are going to continue working on chapter 23. Today we are going to work on Lesson 3.
When finished reading, get a textbook and open your notebook and wait for the warm-up.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Its March 8. 
Today is “National Proofreading Day.”  Howl many typographical errors can you find on this single Sacred Writing Slide?  There are 10?

Trivial Fact of then Day:   M&M’s were developed so that soldiers could eat candy without getting their fingers sticky.
Interesting Quote off the Day:  “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.”  --Victor Hugo  (French author)
Vocabulary Word of the Bay:  fallacious (adjective) – this fancy modifier can be used to describe a noun (like a rumor or assumption) that is false and/or has not been proven.  Has anyone ever said anything fallacious about you or one of your friends?  How did it make you feel?  Why do some people spread untruths?

Thunderstorm Tuesday!!
Today we are going to continue working on Chapter 23 and read Lesson 2.
When you are finished reading the blog open your notebook and get a book.

Monday, March 7, 2016

It’s March 7. 
Today is “National Cereal Day.”  How would you describe your favorite cereal to someone who hasn’t tasted it?

Trivial Fact of the Day: Ben and Jerry send the waste from their ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed.  The pigs love every flavor except for Mint Oreo.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.”  --Nikki Giovanni  (American poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  vacillate (verb) – apply this action word to a person who hesitates between multiple choices when faced with a decision.  What was the last important thing you vacillated about?  What did you finally decide as your choice?
Mustang Monday!!!
Introduction to Chapter 23. Define vocabulary words and read Lesson 1.
Before class begins:
1. Open up your notebook and title the page Vocabulary Unit 5.
2. Get a book.
3. Wait for class to begin.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

It’s March 3. 
Today is “If Pets Had Thumbs Day.”  What meaningful tasks could your dog or cat accomplish if this were true?  Or your goldfish?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   If you told someone they were one in a million, you’d be saying there were 1,800 just like them in the country of China alone.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “To live is the rarest thing in the world.  Most people exist, that is all.”  --Oscar Wilde (Irish writer and poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  paucity (noun) – this is a fancy synonym for a small quantity of something.  At a restaurant, what would you be angry about if they only served you a paucity of it on your plate?

Test Thursday!
Today we are going to take our Mapping Skills Test. Then we are going to complete Mapping Lab 5.  When finished reading the blog, leave your tablet open and clear everything off your desk so that you are ready to take the test.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It’s March 2. 
Today is “Dr. Seuss Day.”  Which of his books is his best?  Why?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   Months that begin with a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.  Are we going to be lucky and have one of those this month?
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”  --Dr. Seuss (American author and cartoonist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  incontrovertible (adjective) – describe something that is indisputable (not to be argued about) with this fancy synonym.  The existence of Bigfoot is hardly incontrovertible, so what is?

Wonderful Wednesday!!
Today, we are going to continue working on our mapping labs and have a quiz. Be ready for the warm-up by having your notebook open and writing utensil ready.