Tuesday, February 9, 2016

It’s February 9. 
Today is “National Stop Bullying Day.”  What are some ways you can stop bullying if you see it happening?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   Giraffes can actually go longer without water than camels, and a kick from a giraffe can kill an attacking lion.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm!”  --Ralph Waldo Emerson (American essayist and poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  duplicity (noun) – this fancy word can be a synonym for dishonesty, but it’s really more accurate if the person being dishonest is particularly crafty with his/her lying.  What professions do you suspect might have people who practice duplicitous ways?

Today we are going to begin/continue Cornell notes on the 3 major religions.

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