Monday, February 8, 2016

It’s February 8. 
Today is “Laugh and Get Rich Day.”  Which of your friends makes you laugh the most? Can a sense of humor ever make one opulent**?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   On average, children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults only laugh about 15 times daily.  If we can have blood banks, why can’t we have laughter banks? 
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.”  --Woody Allen (American screenwriter)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day:  opulent (adjective) – this descriptive word can be applied to someone who has goods, property, or money in abundance.  What’s the best way to become opulent?  What’s the worst way?

Welcome back from a marvelous weekend. Today we are going to continue with Chapter 17 Lesson 2  and also read Chapter 17 Lesson 3. At the end of class we are going to begin our discussion of religions around the world.

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