Thursday, February 11, 2016

It’s February 11. 
Today is “Make a Friend Day.”  What are three benevolent** ways one might make new friends out of three complete strangers today?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   A sneeze travels out of your mouth at about 100 miles an hour.  What if we could harness that force and turn it into electricity?
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.”  --Jim Henson (Creator of the Muppets)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day:  benevolent (adj.) – use this descriptive word in front of a person or an act that is intended to do some good or something kind.  His benevolent handshake ______________.   How would you complete that sentence?

Today we are going to begin our study of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflicts.

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