It’s February 3.
Today is “Bubblegum Day.” Describe your favorite flavor of gum as if explaining it to someone who has never tasted it?
Today is “Bubblegum Day.” Describe your favorite flavor of gum as if explaining it to someone who has never tasted it?
Fact of the Day: 100,000 tons of gum is chewed each
year. How much of it never finds its way
into a trash can after chewing, I wonder.
Vocabulary Word of the Day: sophomoric (adjective) – use this descriptive word as a synonym for immature or uninformed. Who do you know who makes the most sophomoric attempts at being funny?
Today we are going to watch CNN news. Discuss oil and petroleum. Take Cornell notes and summarize all that we learn. We will be busy today, so I need you on your best behavior.
CNN NEWS almost as good as poptarts wait a minute POPTARTS ARE TO GOOD TO BE COMPARED TO filthy cnn casual