Thursday, January 21, 2016

It’s January 21. 
Today is “National Hugging Day.”  Who in your family gives the best hugs?  Who is your favorite anti-hugger?

Trivial Fact of the Day:  Carrots were originally purple. Orange carrots came about through hybrid** attempts of Dutch farmers.  You can still grow purple carrots from seed companies.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “Wisdom begins in wonder.” 
--Socrates (Greek Philosopher)

**Vocabulary Word of the Day:  hybrid (adjective) – use this word to describe something that comes from a mixture of two (or more) origins.  Some cars and plants can be described as hybrids, but what else?  Be creative!

Today, is our coordinates quiz. Remember you do not have to memorize anything. Just locate the coordinates on the map. Don't forget tomorrow we will have our coordinate summative. Everyone will do fabulously because everyone has worked very hard this week. I am very proud of you guys.


  1. YES FREE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  2. My mom gives me the best hugs, and my brother is my favorite anti-huger.

  3. I'm a huggin teddy bear

  4. I like hugging poptarts #lonely
