Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It’s January 20. 
Today is “Penguin Awareness Day.”  What are some favorite  facts you know about penguins? 

Trivial Fact of the Day:   Penguins eyes actually work better underwater than they do outside of the water.
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist once we grow up.” --Pablo Picasso (Spanish painter)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  mawkish (adjective) – use this word to describe any noun (like a book, poem, movie, or person) that is comes across as overly sentimental or emotional.  When was the last time something mawkish brought either a genuine tear to your eye or a disgusted feeling to your gut?

Today, we are going to work on Challenge 4. Tomorrow, we are going to have a quiz over how to find the coordinates and begin Challenge 5. Friday we will have a coordinate summative and complete Challenge 5. If you complete the challenges, you will do fabulously on the quiz and test.