Monday, January 11, 2016

It’s January 11. 
Today is “Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day.” Do you think you have more dots or dashes in your name in Morse Code?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   In 1844, Samuel Morse sent the very first message via telegraph: “What hath God wrought?” It was sent from a chamber in the Supreme Court to Baltimore, Maryland. Should that count as the very first text message?
Interesting Quote of the Day:  “I would imagine if you could understand Morse Code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.”  --Mitch Hedburg (American comedian)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  eponym (noun) – this fancy noun refers to a word that became a common word based on someone’s name.  Morse Code, for example, was named for its inventor. So was diesel.  So was sandwich.  Know any other eponyms?

Happy Monday!!
Today, we are going to finish our semester review and go over it. Tomorrow, semester exams begin. Multiple choice and written portion.

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