Sunday, May 1, 2016

It’s May 2. 
Today is “Baby Day.” What would be the best and worst thing about being a baby again…for just a day?

Trivial Fact of the Day:   Babies don’t have kneecaps.  They are born with a cartilage structure that resembles a kneecap, but their patella bone doesn’t actually form until they are 6 months or older.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby.”  --Natalie Wood (actress)
Vocabulary Word of the Day:  erudite (adjective) – apply this fancy word to nouns (people or things) that show great knowledge.  Complete this sentence: The erudite scholar ___________.

Marvelous Monday Mustangs!!!
Today, we are going start a study on imperialism in Africa.  Have your notebook ready to copy some vocabulary words. 


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